Dec 29, 2012

Preparing for the big end...

...just a couple of days and then the big final of this year and the glittering start of 2013!!!

If you need some inspiration, take a look at this treasury list on Etsy.

*** CLICK HERE ***

Dec 23, 2012

Merry christmas!

So, it's finally here, just a few hours more and then it's CHRISTMAS!!!!!

I hope you're all going to have a wonderful time, exactly in the way you want to spend your christmas holiday. We're celebrating it in the traditional swedish way with christmas tree, presents under the tree and a lot of christmas food with a big ham with a traditional topping made with mustard. It's all very Swedish and traditional :-))

I have a little christmas freebie for you - a quick page that's matching the kit I published a couple of days ago, Swedish Christmas! You can download it here:  DOWNLOAD

And this is what it looks like:

Merry Christmas to you all!

Dec 16, 2012

Just a week left before christmas...

...and I don't think it feels like christmas yet. There's been a lot of snow falling the last week but now it's been raining so it's just a grey/brown mish-mash :(
This week is going to pass so fast and then it's all over and it's New Year and 2013. It's the same every year, it doesn't seem like theres enough time to really enjoy christmas.

So, I made some AddOns to the Swedish Christmas Kit, you can find them in the Cut and Create Shop

Dec 14, 2012

Swedish Christmas Scrapbook Kit

So, it's ready and published in the shop! A huge kit with 16 paper, 60+ elements and 3 brushes/overlays.

You can buy it in the Cut and Create-shop

And this is what is looks like:

And here are some layouts made with the kit

Dec 9, 2012

Freebie time!

Yes, that's right! It's been a long time since I published a freebie here on the blog so I thought you should get a little taste of the coming kit - Swedish Christmas. Here's a little cluster that's coordinated with the kit.
You can download it HERE

and this is what it looks like

Dec 8, 2012

So, here's the sneak-peak you've been waiting for...

...Swedish Christmas! A traditional christmas kit in a swedish style with a bunch of decorations we used in my family for a lot of years. Special things I remember since I was a child mixed up with things bought over the years. And as a tradition my husband and I always buy one new thing every year to put in the christmas tree. Sooner or later I suppose we have to stop, there's going to be a lot of decorations otherwise :-)

 The kit is coming to the store any day now, so be patient! It's going to be sold both in the Cut and Cretate-shop and in my Etsy-shop

Dec 7, 2012

The winter is here... and almost christmas!

Hi there!
The last weeks have past by so quick and I've been working hard with a few things thats coming soon in my store!

In the Etsy-store you can buy a lot of Christmas tags, both digital and paper goods. And if you still have photos from Halloween or with autumn themes - take a look at my halloween things.

I'm working on a big Christmas Kit thats soon going to be available in the store. It's not quite ready yet, but it's going to be great! :-)) Tomorrow you can see a sneak-peak of it here on the blog!

I'm also working with some digital Christmas envelopes, perfect to put small, flat presents in i.e. cinema tickets, gift cards or even money.

So, stay tuned and check back tomorrow for the sneak-peak!